The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Promoting the new Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess manga (Vol. 9) for publisher VIZ Media which released mid September 2021. This collab truly was a dream come true for both Leonardo Ugolini and I.
All facilitated by the amazing Ride or Cry agency in LA, who took upon the role of brand and project management on VIZ Media’s side. Leonardo made the sculpture and video, while yours truly came up with the concept and managed the project from a production POV.
Midna tells Link about the time before she came to the world of Light and how the evil wizard Zant turned her into her current form. Bitter and angry, Midna only used other people to get her revenge. Link needs Midna’s help now more than ever, and his forgiveness may give her the strength to continue the fight. Ahead of them, in the Twilight Realm itself, lie greater dangers than they have faced before, as well as Midna’s nemesis, the scheming sorcerer Zant.