Written over 127 articles over the course of 5+ years!
Where the foundation and my experimenting in social media began. Gained 5400 organic followers in the tiny Dutch surfing community on Instagram
Besides writing I’ve also made (video) podcasts, video’s and photo’s. From creating to editing, from technology to content.
Got bored during my Master’s in Neuropsychology so started blogging impulsively. Surfoloog is an assembly of Surfer and Psychologist in Dutch. Though, I didn’t even write that much about surfing at the beginning. At that time fitness was booming and I was working in a store for powerlifters and bodybuilders, to help my clients I was mostly writing about muscle and fitness. Total tool, haha!
I’ve learnt a shit ton of stuff from Surfoloog and it’s still teaching me valuable lessons to this day.
When I started traveling I also started writing more about surfing and sharing it on social media. I was, and still kind of am, the only Dutch surf journalist/writer. Which allowed me to really dive into the Dutch surfing scene, meet interesting characters and visit the strangest places (all over the world).
I’ve been sponsored and have done dozens of collabs. Some of my articles are still go-to in terms of advice, but my most well-known stuff is about (Dutch) surf culture.
It’s a terrible world to use, but I’ve seen and experienced what being an influencer is like in a niche area. I’ve used my hands-on experience to help other with their social media strategies as well.

To learn more about content I’ve been diving deeper in technology. It’s one thing to come up with something, but practically making it a reality is a whole different ball game. One of the more challenging things I’ve done is producing and setting up my own video podcasts which included multi-camera angle and hi-quality audio synchronization, while interviewing others in a free association format.
Currently, I’m writing a book about wetsuits after doing an extensive wetsuit review in which I managed to get 17 wetsuits from smaller local brands, but mostly the humongous usual suspects in wetsuitland.
The book is called NATPAK, which is the literal translation for wetsuit in Dutch. The subtitle pretty much says (bull)shit about wetsuits in Dutch.
More about this project over here.