Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris
The last couple of months Studio Lennarts & De Bruijn and I have been getting a bunch requests from museums around the world who wanted Stay Sane, Stay Safe in their collection + for exhibition.
One of those museums is Musée des Arts Décoratifs (MAD), a museum dedicated to the exhibition and preservation of the decorative arts, part of the Louvre. No, it doesn’t mean that we’re right next to the Mona Lisa, but it’s still bad-ass.
From May 19th until October 3rd, 2021, Stay Sane, Stay Safe was on exhibition. Check it out over here. Right now their collection commission is deciding which posters they want to have in their collection. Over 95 have been submitted!
My role was to stay in touch with all of the designers and the museum. I made sure everyone was up to date in terms of new developments and helped collecting all the content.
Working with these bigger organizations have proven to be quite the challenge since you have to jump through a lot of (bureaucratic) hoops. However, it’s all worth the while to immortalize the project. The true power of it lies in the cultural and historic implications it entails.